所別 |
時 間 |
地 點 |
講 員 |
講 題 |
近史 |
3/25(五) 10:00
本所研究大樓 1樓會議室 |
Prof. Rebecca E. Karl (New York Univ., East Asian Studies and History Dept.)
Some Variational Methods for Studying Almost Periodic Differential Equations |
人社 (衛生史) |
3/25(五) 10:00
本中心第二會議室 (B202) |
姜信益教授 (仁濟大學)
Living and Knowing the Body: Medical Perspectives of the East and the West |
生化 |
3/25(五) 11:00
Prof. Yoshinori Watanabe (Inst. of Molecular and Cellular Biosciences, Univ. of Tokyo)
Regulation of Chromosome Segregation |
生物 多樣 |
3/25(五) 14:00 |
動物所2樓 會議室
Assistant Prof. John True (Dept. of Ecology and Evolution, State Univ. of New York at Stony Brook)
Development and Evolution of Drosophila Melanin Patterns |
社會 |
3/25(五) 14:30 |
本所3樓 2319會議室
臺灣民眾性別角色態度的變遷:1991~2001 |
語言 |
3/26(六) 9:00
史語所研究大樓 7樓703會議室 |
Dr. Josiane Cauquelin (本所訪問學人)
How to Decipher the Ritual Language of the Shamans - A Case Study of Nanwang Puyuma: i.Introduction to the Puyuma Language ii.Introduction to the Ritual Language iii.Translation Problems in Folktales and Ritual Songs |
生醫 |
3/28(一) 11:00 |
本所地下室 B1B演講廳 |
潘文涵研究員 |
Genome-Wide Scan for Hypertension Genes: Taiwan Young-Onset Hypertension Genetics Study |
人社 (政治) |
3/28(一) 14:00 |
本中心B202 會議室
Prof.Harry Dickinson (英國愛丁堡皇家學院院士與Richard Lodge講座教授)
Richard Price on Reason and Revolution |
法律 |
3/29(二) 10:00
原社科所B202 第3會議室
憲法尊嚴與憲政真相:司法院大法官釋字第五八五號解釋平議 |
歐美 |
3/29(二) 14:30
本所研究大樓 1樓會議室
Prof. Marian Lief Palley (Director of Women's Studies Program, Univ. of Delaware)
The Effect of Gender in U.S. States and Local Governance: Does Gender Matter? |
經濟 |
3/29(二) 15:00
本所B棟110室 |
唐震宏教授 (清華大學經濟系助理教授)
Taylor Rules in a Sticky Price Model with Job Search |
植物 |
3/30(三) 15:00 |
本所106會議室 |
邢禹依研究員 |
1.How to Find Candidate Mutants from Rice Tagged Populations (T-DNA, Tos17, Ac/Ds) 2.Meeting Reports (IRRI Workshop, Plant and Animal Genome, Rice Annotation Project) |
文哲 |
3/31(四) 10:00
論錢穆先生對常州學派的批評-以《中國近三百年學術史》為討論中心 |
3/31(四) 14:00
本所新館1樓 106演講廳
楊安綏副研究員 (基因體中心)
Protein Therapeutics and Diagnostics Engineering with Computational and Phage Display Approaches |
數學 |
3/31(四) 15:00
Prof. Jerry L. Bona (Univ. of Illinois at Chicago)
Stability of Solitary Waves |
原分 |
3/31(四) 15:30
本所浦大邦講堂 (台大校園內)
倪衛新主任 (國家奈米元件實驗室)
Si-Based THz Devices-Physical Bottle Necks and Possible Approaches |
數學 |
3/31(四) 16:15 |
本所演講廳 |
Prof. Hongqiu Chen (The Univ. of Memphis and Univ. of Illinois at Chicago )
Existence of Solitary Waves of Nonlinear Dispersive Equations |
資訊 |
4/1(五) 10:30 |
本所新館 1樓106演講廳
Dr. Savio Tse (Univ. of Hong Kong)
Upper and Lower Bounds on the Dilation of Interval Routing for General Graphs |
4/1(五) 10:30 |
吳政彥教授 (Schmidt Senior Fellow, Biochemical Program, Florida Atlantic Univ.)
Structure and Function of Human Brain L-glutamic Acid Decarboxylase Using Proteomics Approach |
經濟 |
4/1(五) 15:00 |
本所B棟110室 |
Prof. Takatoshi Tabuchi (Graduate School of Economics, Univ. of Tokyo) |
Testing the "Home Market Effect" in A Multi-Country World: A Theory-Based Approach |
動物 |
4/4(一) 14:30
沈雅敬教授 (中山大學海洋資源學系)
Research of Bioactive Natural Products from Marine Creatures and Terrestrial Plants |