分子生物研究所徵求研究技師,負責主管轉殖基因暨基因剔除小鼠核心實驗室。實際職等將依申請者資歷聘為研究助技師、副技師、或正技師。申請者必需熟知小鼠轉殖基因及基因剔除相關技術並有充分操作經驗。申請者宜具有相關領域之博士學位,但無博士學位之優越人才亦列入考慮。本核心實驗室主管將帶領五位研究助理,提供分生所及中研院其他研究所/中心於製造轉殖基因暨基因剔除小鼠方面之服務。預期除了能不斷採用或發展新技術,並可與分生所老師在研究上合作。 申請者請備個人履歷、相關研究經驗之詳述、及3封推薦函,於2月28日前郵寄台北市11529南港區研究院路2段128號,中研院分子生物研究所徵才委員會陳芊斐小姐收。面試自3月1日起,直至尋獲人才為止。 有關中研院分生所及轉殖基因暨基因剔除小鼠核心實驗室之進一步資料,可查詢參看下列網頁: http://www.imb.sinica.edu.tw/imb/index.html及http://www.imb.sinica.edu.tw/TCF/index.html。本次申請之查詢請洽陳芊斐小姐feichen@imb.sinica.edu.tw。
The Institute of Molecular Biology (IMB) of Academia Sinica, Taipei, is seeking a manager to direct the Transgenic and Knockout Mouse Core Facility. The appointment will be at the rank of Assistant, Associate, or Full Research Specialist, depending on the candidate's qualifications. Applicants should have general familiarity with and actual experience in most aspects of transgenic and knockout technologies. Candidate is expected to have a Ph.D. degree or equivalent, but highly qualified individual without Ph.D. will also be considered. The manager will supervise 5 research technicians and provide transgenic/knockout mouse services to IMB and other institutes at Academia Sinica. Adoption and development of new technologies and research collaboration with IMB investigators will be highly encouraged. Please send curriculum vitae, a description of research experience, and three letters of reference, preferably before February 28, 2005, to Search Committee, c/o Fei Chen, Institute of Molecular Biology, Taipei, Taiwan 11529. The interview process will start from March 1, 2005, until the position is filled. Further information can be obtained from http://www.imb.sinica.edu.tw/imb/index.html or http://www.imb.sinica.edu.tw/TCF/index.html or Ms. Fei Chen at: feichen@imb.sinica.edu.tw