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Academia Sinica Newsletter: Current Issue
The 2023 ICPSR Summer Program is Open for Registration!
The Central Politics School and Local Governance in Nationalist China: Toward a Statecraft beyond Science has been published
Political Philosophy as Public Philosophy
IHP MUSEUM CARD GAME: Bat Beats the Tiger, Chicken Eats the Worm – Oracle Bone Card Game Challenge
Disquisitions on the Past & Present, Vol. 39 is now available
Taiwan Journal of Anthropology, Academia Sinica, Volume 20 No.2 has been published
Language & Linguistics 24.1 is now available
Fabricating Divine Prestige: The Cult of He Xiangu and Local Society in Guangdong’s Zengjiang River Basin, 960-1864 has been published
Enlightening the People’s Wisdom and Connecting East and West: Yan Fu’s Translation and the Intellectual Change in the Late Qing and Early Republican Periods has been published
Seeing: 48 Object Readers and Their Worlds has been published
Crossing Boundaries in the History of Chinese Art has been published
The scientific achievement of Lithuania and the future
The Establishment of the Asia-Pacific Security Regime and the Conclusion of the Sino-Japanese Peace Treaty during the Cold War written by Huang Tzu-Chin, has been published
EurAmerica, Vol. 52, No. 4 is now available
Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica, Volume 93 Part 4 is now available online
The Bulletin of the Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica, Vol. 117 is now available
Knowledge Feast-Popular Science Lecture in Honor of Late President Yuan-Pei Tsai: “Launch the scene for Fiber Optical Sensing in an active fault– observing fault motion in high spatial-temporal resolution”
Asia Major, Volume 35 Part 2 is now available online
Academia Economic Papers Vol. 50, No. 4 has been published
What are research data repositories? What are data management plans? Why should you care?
The Awards Ceremony for the 11th Scholarly Monograph Award in the Humanities and Social Sciences
Academia Sinica’s Excellent Academic Environment Fosters Young Scholars—Taiwan International Graduate Program held the seventeenth Certificate Conferral Ceremony
Prof. Dr. Lothar Ledderose and Prof. Kenneth Pomeranz, Invited to Give 2022 “Fu Ssu-nien Lectures”
Knowledge Feast-Popular Science Lecture in Honor of Late President Hu-Shi: “The Encounter of History and Criminology: An Analysis of Burglary Crimes in the Mid-19th Century China”
2022 Young Scholars Workshop on Political Thought
【Exhibition and Open Lecture】In Retrospect: Ethnicity Surveys of Southwest China by the Institute of History and Philology in the 20th Century
Online Exhibition〉The Map Displaying Official Career Paths of Small Golden Placard Graduates