Open position for a Research Assistant at Institute of Plant and Microbial Biology
Dr. Wolfgang Schmidt's laboratory, newly established with members from various countries, is interested in the search for the mechanistic basis of adaptive processes in plants to adverse conditions and to understand the regulation of adaptive processes in response to environmental changes. Specific foci include the molecular characterization of ion homeostasis and the integration of environmental signaling, and cell fate decisions. Motivated applicants are all invited to apply.
- Position: Research Assistant with skills in basic molecular biology methods.
- Requirement: MS in Biology or related disciplines, with prior experiences in biochemistry and molecular biology. Familiar with molecular techniques associated RNA manipulation.
- Application: Please forward CV (in English) to, Associate Research Fellow, Institute of Plant and Microbial Biology, Rm 220, Academia Sinica. E-mail:
- 本所重點研究領域:社會經濟史、殖民地史、族群史、文化史及環境史。
- 資 格:符合本院助研究員(含)以上資格之台灣史專才。
- 待 遇:依本院專任研究人員標準。
- 開始工作時間:待作業完成後依實際狀況決定。
- 受理方式:意者請於12月31日前將學歷證書影本、履歷、著作目錄、近五年內代表作3種,未來研究構想等資料各備3份;另需推薦信3封(由推薦人直接寄達收件人),郵寄「臺北市11529南港區研究院路2段128號,中央研究院臺灣史研究所」,如有任何問題,請聯絡行政室助理溫惠妃女士,電話(02)2788-0539#206,。
- 工作內容:檔案文件整理與交辦事項。
- 資 格:專科以上文史相關科系,細心負責之在校學生(夜間部為佳)。
- 待 遇:日薪800元。
- 工作時間:即日起至94年12月31日(每周最少工作3天)。
- 受理方式:意者請於11月4日前,將履歷表E-mail至,合者通知面試。