Academia Sinica Newsletter No.1549

原 Academia Sinica E-news No.445

  • 2016 Taiwan Economic Forecast : Great Challenges in the New Year

    Recent News

  • Four Scholars Receive 4th Academia Sinica Scholarly Monograph Award in the Humanities and Social Sciences

    Recent News

  • Academician Shih-Chang Lee’s group & Dr. Yeu-Kuang Hwu’s research team have received the 12th National Innovation Award

    Recent News

  • Academic Events

    Academic Activities

  • Lecture in Honor of Former President Tsai Yuan-Pei: Trends of Regional Precipitation Due to Global Warming

    Academic Activities

  • 2016 TIGP International Internship Program (TIGP-IIP)

    Academic Activities

  • Lectures(Dec 31-Jan 12)

    Academic Activities