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Academia Sinica Newsletter: Current Issue
How China’s cognitive warfare works: A frontline perspective of Taiwan’s anti-disinformation wars
Complex history and inheritance of organellar genomes in marine algae
PDAC tumor cell-fibroblast interactions promote metastasis via Homophilic ATP1A1 Binding
Noise canceling in gene expression by uORFs
New insight into how Ethylene modulates translation dynamics in Arabidopsis under submergence via GCN2 and EIN2
The first In vivo co-occurrence evidence of methane oxidation-nitrogen fixation in a single methanotrophic bacterial cell in rice root
Molecular insights of how cancer risk factor BAP1 nuclear import is regulated by TNPO1
Autism, Zinc and Liquid-Liquid Phase Separation
Breakthrough of wild tomato protoplast regeneration and DNA-free CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing.
TIC236 gain-of-function mutations unveil the link between plastid division and plastid protein import
Moss-fungal interactions reveal the trophic flexibility of fungi and the positive effects on moss growth
Bacteria-based cancer therapy: use TNF-α to mediate Trojan Horse
Measuring Welfare Effects of Unemployment Insurance Extension and Re-employment Bonus Provision using Causal Inference and Administrative Data
Mating-driven variability in olfactory local interneuron wiring
Helping plants make more cells during stress
Unlock the secret of plant viral genome: new starts for protein synthesis
A novel IL-18-mediated anti-bacterial circuit to enforce intestinal host defense and immunity
A Novel Optical Microscope Technique Reveals Chromatin Dynamics in Live Cells
Modular evolution of secretion systems and virulence plasmids in a bacterial species complex
PIAS1 Variant S510G is a protective genetic modifier of Huntington’s disease
A new study reveals how Stomata and cuticles coordinate during plant development
Typhoon disturbance plays a key role in carbon sinks of Taiwan montane lakes
A new study reveals why some patients clear the SARS-CoV-2 virus faster than others
Therapeutic Antibody Cocktail for Prevention and Treatment of COVID-19
Insights into genome evolution of giant viruses
Unraveling the Mysterious Role of Centriolar Protein CEP120 in Joubert Syndrome, a Congenital Cerebellar Disorder
Polyethylene Glycol Immunogenicity: Theoretical, Clinical, and Practical Aspects of Anti-Polyethylene Glycol Antibodies
Pdia4 regulates β-cell pathogenesis in diabetes: molecular mechanism and targeted therapy
Whole genome duplication facilitates C3 to C4 photosynthesis evolution
Molecular insights into the increased transmissibility and immunity evasion of the SARS-CoV-2 Alpha variant