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Academia Sinica Newsletter: Current Issue
Academia Sinica Announces Licensing Opportunities for Rapid Screening of COVID-19 virus Antigen
Breakthrough in COVID-19 Medicine Development: Taiwanese Team Discovers Protease Inhibitors to Inhibit the Virus
Academia Sinica Discuss Cooperation with Turkey in Preventing COVID-19 Epidemic
Nanoscopic insights of amphiphilic peptide against Huntington’s disease
Academia Sinica’s breakthrough in epidemic research Joining Forces with Czech and Canada to Fight the COVID-19
Catching Virus Fast! Academia Sinica Discovered Useful Antibodies for Developing Rapid Immune Based Test Kit of SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus
Scientist stands up for Human Rights: Academician Yuan Tseh Lee praised by the US National Academy of Sciences
Academician Shih-Lin Chang Has Passed Away
Integrated analysis for predicting prognosis and pathological mechanisms of noncoding RNAs in cancers: up-regulation of PTTG3P is associated with poor prognosis and chemoresistance in lung adenocarcinoma
Retroconversion of Estrogens into Androgens by Bacteria via A Cobalamin-Mediated Methylation
Building the COVID-19 Open Science Platform: Academia Sinica Joins Interdisciplinary Efforts to Fight the Virus
Maintaining Redox Homeostasis: A Savior for Treating Inflammatory Bowel Diseases and Motor Neuron Diseases
Academia Sinica finds PSPC1 as a Contextual Determinant of Pro-metastatic Switch in Tumor Progression.
Through the looking glass of cryoEM unveils the unique molecular structure and camouflaging sugar coating of feline coronavirus surface spike protein
Academia Sinica Statement
TWAS Elects 3 Academicians as TWAS Members
2020 Taiwan Economic Forecast: Chilling Outside, Lukewarm Inside
Academician Yuan-Cheng Fung Has Passed Away
Academician Chen-Ming Hu has Received 2020 IEEE Medal of Honor
Thirst, Hunger, Memory: Decoding of a Motivational Circuit in the Fly Brain
AS Mystery and Potential Cure Uncovered
The 8th Academia Sinica Scholarly Monograph Award in the Humanities and Social Sciences Winners Announced
President James C. Liao Awarded 2019 Novozymes Award for Excellence in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
Academician Liang-Shih Fan has been Elected Foreign Fellow of the Indian National Academy of Engineering
Memorizing Regeneration
RNA Editing: A New Angle to Conduct Gene Therapy
Three-Dimensional Optical Super-Resolution Microscopy: Microscopes Image a Whole Fly Brain
PNC 2019 Annual Conference at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore Regionality and Digital Humanities: South-South Connections
Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics awarded to the Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration
Naa10p Depletion Burns Fat