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Academia Sinica Newsletter: Current Issue
Lost in translation of genetic information? Back to the beginning to pinpoint translation initiators
Curbing TDP-43 May Ease the Alzheimer’s Disease Progression
Academician Chung-Laung Liu Has Passed Away
Shutting down EpCAM kills tumor cells and prevents their escape from immune surveillance
Oceans in Crisis》Analyzing the global macro ocean litter distribution based on winds and ocean currents: the Pacific region suffers the most
Academician Daniel Wang Has Passed Away
Healthy Longevity Global Competition in Taiwan: Catalyst Awards go to 5 innovative groups
The “Multi-database Search System for Historical Chinese Characters,” the largest text-image conglomeration in East Asia, is to simultaneously launch in Taiwan and Japan
Psychological stress triggers physical pain – Probing pathophysiology of fibromyalgia with translational research
Czech Delegation Visited Academia Sinica for Academic Exchanges
Laying the Foundation for Deep Carbon Reduction! Academia Sinica Creates the First “Synthetic Methylotropic Single Strain”
Academician Pien-Chien Huang Has Passed Away
Crime scene reconstruction: determining time of RNA death by analysis of RNA degradation fragments
Monoglycosylated Chimeric Hemagglutinin as Universal Flu Vaccine
Lung Adenocarcinoma (LUAD) Discoveries from two NCI Proteomics Consortia
Academician Flossie Wong-Staal Has Passed Away
2020 Taiwan Economic Forecast: A Revision- Bustling under the Great Lockdown
Academician Jeff Wu has Received Sigma Xi’s Monie A. Ferst Award
Discovery of a Key Lipid Signal Mechanism for Pollen Fertilization
Made in Taiwan! A Portable Mass Spectrometer Ready Anytime, Anywhere
The Essence of History’s Spectrum—The Museum of the Institute of History and Philology
Where Diversity Merges and Collaboration Flourishes-The Institute of Ethnology Museum
Tranquil Garden of Biology—The Biodiversity Research Museum
The Joy of Returning to Nature —Lingnan Fine Arts Museum
Finding Peace in Times of Turmoil—Hu Shi Memorial Hall
Sensory cilia as the Achilles heel of nematodes when attacked by carnivorous mushrooms
The Circles: Establishment of Autism-associated Circular RNA Regulatory Networks
Academician David Der-Wei Wang Elected as Member of American Academy Arts & Sciences
Academician Howard Y. Chang Elected Member of National Academy of Sciences and Member of American Academy of Arts and Sciences
Academician Thomas S. Huang Has Passed Away