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Academia Sinica Newsletter: Current Issue
Academician Kuo-Hsiung Lee Has Passed Away
The Awards Ceremony for the 2021 Academia Sinica Early-Career Investigator Research Achievement Award will be held on November 5
Academia Sinica Academician Chi-Huey Wong Honored as 2021 Recipient of the Robert A. Welch Award in Chemistry
Four Days of Fun — Academia Sinica’s First Online Open House Coming Soon!
PNC Annual Conference to Be Held Virtually September 28 – Experts from Over 10 Countries Explore Sustainable Digital Heritage
Academician Shih-I Chu Has Passed Away
World Renowned Chinese Historian Academician Ying-Shih Yu Passes Away at 91
Pope Francis Appoints Academician Chien-Jen Chen as Member of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences
2021 Taiwan Economic Forecast: A Revision Continuing Robust Expansion
Learning from the Past and the Present! Academia Sinica Publishes Reflections on COVID-19, Showcasing Research on the Pandemic by 20 Humanities and Social Science Scholars
Distinguished Research Fellow Shu-Hsing Wu Elected The ASPB Enid MacRobbie Corresponding Membership
Academician Sow-Hsin Chen Has Passed Away
Relying on Top Talent to Advance Academia Sinica Affairs: Three AS Vice Presidents Reappointed
Academia Sinica’s 34th Convocation of Academicians will be Postponed for One Year, with Adjustments Made as the Pandemic Situation Develops
International Museum Day Online! The Center for Digital Cultures Invites You on a Treasure Hunt and to Create Your Own Museum
“Key Technologies to Achieve 2050 Net Zero: Three Aspects of Carbon Management” President James C. Liao spoke at the Nobel Prize Summit
Dr. Yi-Fang Tsay Elected as International Member of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences
Academician Kuo-Nan Liou Has Passed Away
Identification of a novel autophagy regulatory mechanism for combating fatty liver
Astronomers Image Magnetic Fields at the Edge of M87’s Black Hole
Pancreatic Cancer Cell Escaping Blueprint Brings Hope to Ease Metastasis
DSG2 Controls Breast Cancer Metastasis
President James Liao Awarded the Israel Prime Minister’s Prize for Innovative Bio-Energy Research
Protein instability links to intellectual disability – a breakthrough in the cerebral development
Repurposing Existing Medicines as Anti-COVID-19 Virus Agents
Perfection in the imperfection – molecular mechanism for genetic diversity
Isolable dicarbon stabilized by a single phosphine ligand
Taiwan Economic Forecast 2021: The shining pearl in the countercurrent of the pandemic
Evolution of bioluminescence in mushrooms resolved
Joining Research Forces to Take a “Quantum Leap”: Academia Sinica to Establish a Quantum Technology research center