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Academia Sinica Newsletter: Current Issue
2022 The 14th Shang-Fa Yang Memorial Lecture
Visit of Two Public Law Scholars from France
Call for Abstracts〉International Conference on Continuity and Changes in Families in East Asia
Policy, Memory and Material Experiences: Labay Eyong and U.S. Aid to Taiwan Exhibition
Bulletin of the Institute of Mathematics Academia Sinica New Series, Volume 17 Number 3 is now available
Journal of Social Sciences and Philosophy (Vol. 34, No. 3) has been published
The Latest publication of the Institute of Ethnology:《Food Cultures and Technologies》
TIGP Application Announcement for 2023
Knowledge Feast-Popular Science Lecture in Honor of Late President Chia-Hua Chu: “Emergent Novel Collective Behavior from Quantum to Classical Physics”
The 60th Anniversary of IEAS and Macroeconometric Modelling Workshop
Wave particle duality revisited: Picard-Lefschetz interpretation in astrophysics, quantum cosmology and beyond
2022 Workshop on Advances in Reliability
Taiwan Economic Forecast and Policy 53(1) is now available
The 2022 Academia Sinica Open House Keynote Speeches
The Awards Ceremony for the 2022 Academia Sinica Early-Career Investigator Research Achievement Award will be held on October 28
Onward to the Frankfurt Book Fair! Academia Sinica Demonstrates Academic Capacity to the World
Application Results for 2023 Academia Sinica TYPE I &II Grants
The ISS 40th Anniversary Conference with a theme In Memory of Academician Yuan-Shih Chow
2022 Special Lecture Series on Trans-boundary Crossing and Circulation
Language & Linguistics 23.4 is now available
On the Contemporary Relevance of Zhu Xi’s Political thought – An Alternative to Mou Zongsan’s and Maruyama’s Viewpoints
A Regional Discourse contra Universalism: Carl Schmitt on Großraum Order
Should Taiwan’s Economy Degrow?
Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica, Volume 93 Part 3 is now available online
Issue No. 31 of Academia Sinica Law Journal is Now Available
Academia Economic Papers Vol. 50, No. 3 has been published
EurAmerica, Vol. 52, No. 3 is now available
2022 TANG PRIZE MASTERS’ FORUM in Rule of Law: Public Participation in Constitutional Change-Reflections from a Comparative Perspective
Knowledge Feast-Popular Science Lecture in Honor of Late President Shih-Liang Chien: “From Cancer Prevention to Aging: Unlocking a Common Mechanism”
Ta-shue Chou Lectureship Award Symposium——A New Era: Organic Chemistry at the Interface of Biology