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Academia Sinica Newsletter: Current Issue
Academia Sinica Core Facilities Information Session
Democracy and Political Reflection on Modernity: Memorial Symposium for Professor Tsai Ying-Wen
The International Conference on Changing Family Life in East Asia
The Early Modern Travels of Manchu: A Script and Its Study in East Asia and Europe has been published
Curriculum Reform and the Nurture of Non‐Cognitive Skills: An International Perspective
Research on Women in Modern Chinese History , Vol. 35 is now available
Knowledge Feast-Popular Science Lecture in Honor of Late President Wu Ta-You: “The RNA World”
The Colloquium of Institute of Physics: Weyl Anomaly and Novel Physical Phenomena in Boundary System
Above and Apart: Gu Mengyu and His Search for an Alternative Path in Modern Chinese History has been published
Retirement Symposium for Academician Shie-Ming Peng── Supramolecular Coordination Chemistry: From Metal-Metal Multiple Bonds to Helical Coordination Metal Strings
The International Conference on Changing Family Life in East Asia
Asia-Pacific Research Forum No. 67 has just been published
Seminar: Taiwan’s Transition toward Sustainability in a Post-COVID-19 World
Seminar: Aspects of Politics in Contemporary Sinophone World
The Colloquium of Institute of Physics: Probe the universe with space-based detector – AMS
AI for Medical Image Classification
Journal of Social Sciences and Philosophy (Vol.32, No.2) has been published
Academia Sinica Digital Humanities Research Project (Center for Digital Cultures) 2021 Call for Proposals
Bulletin of the Institute of Mathematics Academia Sinica New Series Volume 15 Number 2 is now available.
Language & Linguistics 21.3 is now available
EurAmerica, Vol. 50, No. 2 is now available
The Bulletin of the Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica, Vol. 107 has been published
2020 Workshops on Survey Research Methodology: Causal Inference Methods and Applications
Oral History No.15 has been published
RCHSS Book Series No. 70: Containment in Asia: The Consolidation of Japan-US Alliance (1960–1972) has just been published
“Series of thought in East Asia and World” Online Symposium
International Day for Biological Diversity-Our Solutions are in Nature
Journal of Social Sciences and Philosophy (Vol.32, No.1) has been published
Language & Linguistics 21.2 is now available
Bulletin of the Institute of Mathematics Academia Sinica New Series Volume 15 Number 1 is now available