The issue contains 3 articles, 1 research and discussion and 1 book review.

1. Xu-li Zhao, “Rural Crisis and Policy Adjustment in the Soviet Union from 1924 to 1925”
2. Chen-cheng Wang, “Youth Narrative in the Nationalist Party’s Small Group Meetings and the Chinese Communist Party’s Political Techniques”
3. Kuisong Yang, “Elegy for Yenching University: The ‘Rebirth’ and Disillusionment of an American Missionary University, 1948-1952”

【Research and Discussion】
Hsiang-Fu Huang, “H. G. Wells’s The Outline of History in China: Writing, Translation and Chinese History”

【Book Review】
Qiong Liu, “Hou Kunhong, Taixu’s Era: Buddhism in Republican China from a Multidimensional Perspective

Full articles are accessible online:

The Bulletin of the Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica,  Vol. 115 is now available.