Dr. Hsin-Yung (Jason) Yen obtained his PhD degree in glycobiology with Prof. Chi-Huey Wong at National Taiwan University and became a post-doctoral scientist in Professor Dame Carol Robinson’s research group at the University of Oxford. Following his success in GPCR analysis with state-of-the-art mass spectrometry, he recorded the first mass spectrum of a folded GPCR with drug binding maintained, and invented a MS platform to screen the compound efficacy on G proteins-/arrestins-coupling toward receptors. Dr. Yen initiated OMass Therapeutics in 2016 as one of the founders and his research has transformed a new way in drug discovery and deliver an exceptional impact on discovery pipelines of OMass.
As an assistant research fellow, Dr. Yen has served at the Institute of Biological Chemistry since January, 2022, where he will continue his research on technology development for intractable biology.