“WORKSHOP ON EU CARBON BORDER ADJUSTMENT MECHANISM” Organized by the US-Taiwan-China research group, this workshop brings together renown scholars and practitioners, including Mr. Thomas Jürgensen (Head of Trade Team, European Economic and Trade Office), Dr. Dai-Gee Shaw (Research Fellow, Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica, Taiwan), Mr. Shen-Han Hong (Legislator, Legislative Yuan, ROC (Taiwan)), Dr. Wen-Chen Shih (Professor, Department of International Business, NCCU), Mr. Wei-Ming Huang (Deputy Director, Environmental Hygiene and Toxic Management Office, Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan, ROC (Taiwan)), Mr. Chung-Chin Hsu (Chief Negotiator, Office of Trade Negotiations, Executive Yuan, ROC (Taiwan)), Dr. Chun-Yuan Lin (Associate Professor, School of Law, Department of Financial & Economic Law, CYCU), Dr. Chia-Wei Chao (Research Scientist, Risk Society and Policy Research Center, NTU), Dr. Chung-Hsien Lee (Assistant Professor, Institute of China and Asia-Pacific Studies, NSYSU).

This workshop focuses in EU’s Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism and discuss grassroots practice toward de-carbonization through taxation. With a group of influential and well-informed speakers, this workshop will shed light on academic and policy community in understanding the CBAM and help Taiwan formulate its response.
The event will held online: https://reurl.cc/W39VGe

Time: 14:00~17:30, Thursday, September 16, 2021
Venue: Online Meeting
Organizer: Dr. Chien-Huei Wu (Associate Research Fellow, Institute of European and American Studies, Academia Sinica)
Website: https://reurl.cc/W39VGe
Contact: Ms. Liao, +886-2-3789-7222, layoutniao@gate.sinica.edu.tw

Workshop on EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism