Speaker: Dr. Yuan-Pin Lee (Institute of Mathematics, Academia Sinica)
Host: Dr. Wen-Chen Chang (Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica)
Time: 15:00, Tuesday, August 10, 2021
Place: 1F Auditorium, Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica
Abstract: I will give an outsider’s view of the path from supersymmetric sigma model to the topological quantum field theory, and how that leads to Gromov-Witten theory. If time allows, some selected topics in Gromov-Witten theory will be discussed.
Website: https://www.phys.sinica.edu.tw/lecture_detail.php?id=2533

1. No registration is required. Non-Academia Sinica colleagues are welcome to participate.
2. Please refer to the website for the precautions for epidemic prevention.

The Colloquium of Institute of Physics: From SUSY sigma model to Gromov-Witten theory