The newest issue of the Journal of Social Sciences and Philosophy has just been published by the Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences. Articles in this issue (Vol.32, No.4) include:

1. Po-chi Chen, Sheng-ming Hsu, Hsing-chun Lin, Chao-nan Chen and Ching-cheng Chang, “Regional Projections and Trend Analysis of Long-Term Care Needs for Taiwan’s Elderly”
2. Pao-wen Li, “India’s Leverage in US-China Interactions”
3. Hung-yueh Lan,“Liberal Imperialism” in Meiji Japan and the Discourses of Taiwan under Japanese Rule: From Fukuzawa Yukichi to Takekoshi Yosaburō
4. Jun-jie Lin and Heng-hao Chang,“Defining Disability Studies: The Development of Disability Studies in UK and US and the Localization Process in Taiwan”.

Detailed information may be obtained on the Journal’s website:

Journal of Social Sciences and Philosophy (Vol.32, No.3) has been published