The latest publication of Language & Linguistics is now available. Articles in this issue (Vol. 21.4) include:

1.Marc Allassonnière-Tang and One-Soon Her, “Numeral base, numeral classifier, and noun: Word order harmonization”
2.Kaori Furuya, “Structure and inference in Japanese right dislocation”
3.Julie Lefort, “On the reflexive-possessive markers in the Dongxiang language”
4.Chao Li, “Causer and causee as two higher-ranked thematic roles”
5.Chin-Ting Liu and Li-mei Chen, “Testing the applicability of third tone sandhi at the intonation boundary: The case of the monosyllabic topic”
6.Jiajuan Xiong and Chu-Ren Huang, “Plurality and definiteness in Chengdu Chinese”

Please see for further information of Language and Linguistics.

Language & Linguistics 21.4 is now available