We are pleased to announce the new publication of Volume 21.3 of Language and Linguistics. This issue includes the following four articles:

  1. Meng-Ying Chen, Miao-Ling Hsieh and One-Soon Her, “Distinguishing classifiers in Taiwanese Southern Min”
  2. Hsiuhsueh Liu, “On triggers and derivation trail of vowel change in Southern Min”
  3. Ye Yuan, “A non-movement cartographic template approach to Chinese in-situ and fronting wh-adjuncts”
  4. Jingfen Zhang, “Variations and evolutions of the four-falling-tone system in the Chaoyang area”

Please see http://www.ling.sinica.edu.tw/LL/en/ejournal for further information of Language and Linguistics.

Language & Linguistics 21.3 is now available