The latest issue of Bulletin of the Institute of Mathematics Academia Sinica New Series has been published. Articles in this issue include:

1.Hendrik Herrmann and Xiaoshan Li , “Morse Inequalities and Embeddings for CR Manifolds with Circle Action”
2.Toshio Nakata , “Limit Theorems for Super-heavy Tailed Random Variables with Truncation: Application to the Super-petersburg Game”
3.Fatima Benziadi , “On the Properties of Solution of Stochastic Differential Equation with Respect to Initial Data in One-dimensional Case”
4.I-Ming Tsai, Tsung-Hsuan Wu and Dong Yung Yan, “The Algebraic Splitting of  Bulletin of the Institute of Mathematics Academia Sinica New Series Volume 15 Number 2 is now available.
5.Przemysław Matula, Paweł Kurasiński, Habib Naderi And André Adler , “A Note on Exact Laws of Large Numbers for Asymmetric Pareto-type Distributions with Applications to Ratios of Random Variables”

The full contents of Bulletin (N.S.) Volume 1 No. 1 to Volume 14 No. 4 can be viewed online at Bulletin’s website

Bulletin of the Institute of Mathematics Academia Sinica New Series Volume 15 Number 2 is now available.