Online applications for 2021 Thematic Research Projects must be submitted by Main Project Directors from April 10 to June 1, 2020. Applicants should submit a Letter of Intent by May 1. Applications received after the deadline will not be reviewed.

1. In accordance with Academia Sinica’s medium and long-term academic development, AS
researchers are encouraged to submit proposals with interdisciplinary integration, innovation, and likelihood of possible breakthroughs. There are three types of Thematic Projects, as follows:
(1)Individual Research Projects (IDRP):
An IDRP is proposed and carried out by a single Project Director.
(2)Collaborative Research Projects (CRP):
A CRP is proposed and carried out by one Project Director and one or multiple Co-Directors. The Project Director shall oversee funding allocations and project progress.
(3)Integrated Research Projects (ITRP):
An ITRP includes one main project and several subprojects. The Main Project Director shall be responsible for assembling a research team, and overseeing sub-projects in cooperative research to achieve overall project objectives.
2. Final application results will be announced in October 2020, with funded projects starting on January 1, 2021 pending approval of AS budget by the Legislative Yuan. All Project Directors, Sub-Project Directors, and Co-Directors must sign the “Project Execution Agreement for Academia Sinica Thematic Research Projects” before the project commences.
3. Project Directors must submit a Letter of Intent to the Thematic Project E-mail address before 5 pm on May 1, 2020. (Please see attached format). We recommend that the Letter of Intent match the research proposal content in order to facilitate the subsequent peer review process. (Thematic Project E-mail address:
4. All applications must be submitted online. Please click “Quick Links” on the AS homepage and then click “Academic Online Service System”, or visit the following URL ( and click “Thematic Research Project Applications”. Applicants should refer to the “Thematic Research Project Application Guidelines” when completing online applications, and make sure that all required materials are uploaded to the Academia Sinica Online Service System by the deadline. For more details, please refer to Official Document No. 1090502820 issued by the Department of Academic Affairs and Instrument Service on April 6, 2020.
5. Contacts at the Department of Academic Affairs and Instrument Service:
.Division of Mathematics and Physical Sciences: Ms. Tseng, +886-2-2789-9386,
.Division of Life Sciences: Ms. Chien, +886-2-2789-9676,
.Division of Humanities and Social Sciences: Mr. Hang, +886-2-2789-8067,