New research projects for Academia Sinica’s Investigator Award program will commence on January 1, 2021. Please refer to the Guidelines for the Academia Sinica Investigator Award for details.

This award is made on a referral basis, with all candidates nominated by their respective institutes. Nominated candidates must be Academia Sinica full-time faculty (distinguished research fellows, research fellows, and tenured associate research fellows) recognized as independent and qualified investigators. Current Directors of Institutes and Research Centers may not be nominated.

For details on the nomination process, please refer to Instructions for Submitting a Referred Proposal for the 2021 Academia Sinica Investigator Award. Please submit all required files by June 1, 2020 to the Central Office of Administration, including an electronic version (in PDF format) and a printed version (3 copies).

For the Division of Mathematics and Physical Sciences and Division of Life Sciences, all documents should be in English. For the Division of the Humanities and Social Sciences, application documents may be in any language familiar to experts in relevant fields.

Should an awardee be involved in a violation of academic ethics, his or her case will be processed according to the “Guidelines for the Establishment and Operation of Ethics Committees at All Levels, Academia Sinica.”

Each awardee is required to submit an annual progress report during the course of the research project. Budgets for a project’s fifth year will be awarded based on assessments of manuscripts or offprints submitted during the fourth year. Upon completion of the project, a final report should be submitted for review, with project results serving as a reference for future project applications.

Files available for download are listed below. For additional information, please visit the “Research Programs” section of the Academia Sinica homepage. (

For more information, please contact Ms. Ching-Ping Hsu at the Department of Academic Affairs and Instrument Service at 886-2-2789-9351 or