The latest issue of the Journal of Social Sciences and Philosophy has just been published by the Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences.

Articles in this issue (Vol.31, No.4) include:

  1. Judy Hsu and Jong-Rong Chen, “Patent Rights Protection and Hight-Tech Exports: New Evidence from Taiwan”
  2. Ping-Yin Kuan, Ssu-Chin Peng and Seongsoo Choi, “Does a College Degree Still Pay? A Causal Analysis of the Impact of College Expansion on Earnings and Occupational Prestige in Taiwan.”
  3. Hsing-Yi Chiang, “The Paradox of Human Rights and  the Rights of the Rightless : Žižek on the Radical Politicization of the Inhuman”
  4. Hsin-Pai Chen,”On Legality and Legitimacy of the Right of Resistance in Kant’s Legal and Political Philosophy-A Heterodox Reading”

Journal of Social Sciences and Philosophy (Vol.31, No.4) has just been published


Detailed information may be obtained on the Journal’s website: