The latest issue of Bulletin of the Institute of Mathematics Academia Sinica New Series has been published. Articles in this issue include:

  1. Jie Liu, Li Luo and Weiqiang Wang, “Odd Singular Vector Formula for General Linear Lie Superalgebras”
  2. Lusztig, “Total Positivity in Reductive Groups, II”
  3. Rung-Tzung Huang and Guokuan Shao, “The Asymptotics of the L2-analytic Torsion on CR Manifolds with S1 Action”

The full contents of Bulletin (N.S.) Volume 1 No. 1 to Volume 14 No. 4 can be viewed online at Bulletin’s website

Bulletin of the Institute of Mathematics Academia Sinica New Series Volume 14 Number 4 is now available.