Academician Yuan-Cheng Fung passed away in the United States on December 15, 2019. He was 100 years old.

Dr. Fung made prominent contributions to fields of biomechanics, aeronautics and continuum mechanics. Originally earning his Ph.D. in aeronautics, Dr. Fung proceeded to study properties of human tissues from the perspective of mechanics, particularly biofluid mechanics. His pioneering research motivated scholars to achieve numerous medical breakthroughs, including ventricular assist devices and health monitoring devices using wireless sensor networks, thereby helping Dr. Fung earn a sterling reputation as “the father of biomechanics”.

Dr. Fung began his academic career by serving at the California Institute of Technology. Later, when serving at UC San Diego, he founded the discipline of bioengineering, laying a solid foundation for this discipline to achieve a leading position in American academia.

In 2000, Dr. Fung became the first biomechanist to be awarded the National Medal of Science, the highest honor in the American scientific community. He was also elected into all three branches of the United States’ National Academies — Science, Engineering, and Institute of Medicine, which reflects ongoing recognition of his pioneering scholarship. Dr. Fung was elected Academia Sinica Academician in 1968.

Academician Yuan-Cheng Fung Has Passed Away