The newest issue of the Journal of Social Sciences and Philosophy has just been published by the Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences.  Articles in this issue (Vol.31, No.3) include:

  1. Pin Wang, “Cross-country Policy-learning as Knowledge-making: Comparing Literature Printed in Chinese and English about the German Long-term Care Insurance (1995-2017)”
  2. Hung-Lin Tao and Tse-mei Wu, “Evaluating Taiwan’s Matriculation Reform from the Perspectives of Efficiency and Fairness”
  3. Huei-Lan Xiong, Muyi Chou, Sheng-Wen Shih and Dung-Sheng Chen, “Interorganizational Cooperation outside the Market: A Case Study on University Outreach and Social Innovation in Taiwan”
  4. Wen-Yang Chang,“Destined to Be Less Educated and Unhealthy? Testing the Impact of Natural Resources on Female Public Health and Education, 1960-2017”

Detailed information may be obtained on the Journal’s website:




Journal of Social Sciences and Philosophy (Vol.31, No.3) has just been published