The newest issue of the Journal of Social Sciences and Philosophy has just been published by the Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences.

Articles in this issue (Vol.31, No.2) include:

  1. Chien-Yuan Sher, “The Impact of Flood Control Works on Electoral Results: The Case of Kaohsiung”
  2. Yu-Ying Lee, “There Will Always Be Forgeries: Situating Forgery Culture in the Chinese Antiques Market”
  3. Yen-Wei Miao, “Warlord Regime and Body Politics: The Footbinding Liberation Movement of Henan Province under Feng Yuxiang’s Rule and Its Backlash, 1927-1929”
  4. Li-Fang Liang, “The Elegy of Structural Vulnerability: Migrant Fishermen’s Working and Health Experiences”
  5. Ena Ying-tzu Chang and Hsiang-I Teng, “Indigenous Health Promotion and Cultural Sovereignty in Taiwan: The Autonomy of the Jiqi Rehabilitation Center”.

Journal of Social Sciences and Philosophy (Vol.31, No.2) has just been published

Detailed information may be obtained on the Journal’s website: