The Institute of Physics held two colloquiums on April 16 and 23.

The lecturers were Dr. Chih-hsun Lin from the Institute and Professor David Wark FRS from University of Oxford, UK. The topics and abstracts are as follows:

Colloquium of the Institute of Physics: April 16 and 23, 2019

【Tuesday, April 16】

Speaker: Dr. Chih-hsun Lin (Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica)

Host: Dr. Chia-Seng Chang (Director of Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica)

Time: 15:00, Tuesday, Apr.16, 2019

Title: Radiation qualification of EEE parts for space applications: Experience of AMS experiment

Abstract: AMS is the only experiment to search for anti-matter and dark matter in the universe on the international space station. It has collected more than billion cosmic rays and observed several unexpected results. In this talk, I will report how we selected and qualified EEE parts for AMS in terms of reliability and performance requirements. I will also report our recent detector development for radiation tests and its application in the proton therapy.

【Tuesday, April 23】

Speaker: Prof. David Wark, FRS(University of Oxford, Director of Science and Technology Facilities Council, UK)

Host: Dr. Henry Tsz King Wong (Deputy Director of Institute of Physics)

Time: 15:00, Tuesday, Apr.23, 2019

Title:Neutrino Oscillations – Past, Present, and Future

Abstract: The talk will give a brief outline of the discovery of neutrino oscillations and then discuss the current state of our knowledge before discussing the exciting opportunities for future experiments (specifically the Hyper Kamiokande detector) which will tell us even more.

Place: 1F Auditorium, Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica