We are pleased to announce the new publication of issue 24.1 of Language and Linguistics. This special issue includes 1 preface and 5 articles:

1.Qiongpeng Luo, Zhiguo Xie, and Xiao Li, “Preface”
2.Qiongpeng Luo, Zhiguo Xie, and Xiao Li, “Degrees and grammar: An East Asian perspective”
3.Osamu Sawada, “The role of comparison in discourse: The meaning and use of the Japanese utterance comparative expressions sore-yori-(mo) ‘than that’ and nani-yori-(mo) ‘than anything’”
4.Yi-Hsun Chen, “Measurement and optional classifiers in Mandarin Chinese”
5.Yuzhen Cao and Qiongpeng Luo, “The semantics of scalar equatives in Mandarin Chinese”
6.Anqi Zhang, “Mandarin de-adjectival degree achievements as inchoative statives”

Please see
for the Open Access articles and further information of Language and Linguistics.

Language & Linguistics 24.1 is now available