Time:10:00 am-12:00 pm
Venue:1st Conference Room, 9th Floor, North Building of Humanities and Social Science, Institutum Iurisprudentiae, Academia Sinica
Registration: https://www.iias.sinica.edu.tw/en/event_post/1433
Contact:Ms. Chen, +886-2-2652-5408
Languages:French, English, and Mandarin
Note:Also available on Webex (Registration Required)

Topic 1:Epistocratie
Speaker:Dr. Alexandre Viala (Professor of Public Law, University of Montpellier)

Topic 2:What is a Democratic Conception of Law?
Speaker:Dr. Florian Couveinhes-Matsumoto (Associate Professor, Ecole normale supérieure-Université PSL; Director of the Law Studies Program)
Note:Followed by an Introduction of the Law Studies Program of the ENS-PSL

Visit of Two Public Law Scholars from France