The Special Issue of Topics in Income and Wealth Distributions
1.Fung-Mey Huang and Zi-Ting Shao, “The Impact of Minimum Wage on Wage Inequality in Taiwan: Evidence from 2012-2019”
2.Yi-Chun Chang, Thung-Hong Lin, and Chun-Yin Lee, “Revisiting Income Differences between Cohorts and Social Classes in Taiwan: 1990-2020”
3.Shih-Chang Huang, Da-Kai Wu, Jing-Da Chen, Joe Chen, and Shi-Wan Lou, “Intergenerational Wealth Mobility in Taiwan: Evidence from 2001-2018 Estate Tax Return Data”

Forecast and Outlook
I.2022 Taiwan Economic Outlook Revised
II.Current Trend
III.Graphical and Tabulated Statistics

Please see:

Taiwan Economic Forecast and Policy 53(1) is now available