We are pleased to announce the new publication of issue 23.3 of Language and Linguistics. This issue includes 6 articles:

1. Xiaolei Fan and Kin Wing Kevin Chan,“Grammatical properties of zo 咗 in Hong Kong Cantonese: A comparative study with le1 了1 in Beijing Mandarin”
2. Yanxuan Huang and Dongfang Wen,“The multifunctionality and grammaticalization of tioʔ5 著 in the Jieyang Min dialect: Also on the language contact of Min and Hakka in Eastern Guangdong”
3. Wei-Ju Kuo,“On the grammaticalization and lexicalization of the classical Chinese saying verb dao ”
4. Yuhang Xu,“The characteristics and sources of the durative aspectual markers in Haifeng Min dialects”
5. Boon Hock Yew,“On the sources and developments of qie 且 in Old Chinese”
6. Qingwen Zhang and Jia Jin,“Semantic definiteness or pragmatic definiteness: Evidence from two interpretations of Cl-NPs in the Chenghai dialect”

Please see https://www.ling.sinica.edu.tw/item/en?act=journal&code=directory&volume=23&period=3
for the Open Access articles and further information of Language and Linguistics.

Language & Linguistics 23.3 is now available