

  • 講題: Developmental Regulation of Expression of Mammalian Lactate Dehydrogenase Genes A(muscle),B(Heart) and C(testis) during Spermato genesis and Oogenesis/講題: Mouse Development Genes with Example of HOX.1.1/講題: Most Vital Edges with Respect to Some Graph Parameters /講題:COMPASS • Introduction to the first Comprehensive Broadband ISDN Trial in the U.S./講題: Reconstruction of Evolu tionary Trees from Pairwise Distributions on Current Species A Quasi-Experi -mental Approach/講題:Improved Estimation of Variance Components/講題:相對應分析與排序/講題:偏性估式在時間序列資料短期預測上之應用/講題:胡適與《老子》的時代問題/講題:論中國資本主義的萌芽/講題:tRNA : Molecular Adaptor for Decoding and Model System for Catalytic RNA/講題:台灣稻米政策的成本與收益分析/講題:共軛焦點顯微鏡-一植物細胞學及分子生物學的新工具/講題:台灣地區高齡人口特定死亡因趨勢 之研究:1980~1988


  • 勞動市場與勞資關係研討會

  • 計算機與統計物理國際研討會

  • 出席國際學術會議