講題:胡適對學生運動的態度/講題:Dynamics of Robotic Manipulators /講題: Adaptive Goal-Directed Sensing/講題: Formation of Diamond:a New Approach/講題: The Application of Stable Isotope Measurements in Atmospheric Research/講題:Control of Photosynthetic Mem -brane Synthesis in Rhodobacter sphaeroides/講題:論溫庭筠菩薩蠻為聯章詞且有寄託/講題: The Regulation of Homeotic Gene Function in Drosophila /講題: Study of Neurophysin Hormone System by X-ray Crystallography /講題:High-Resolution NMR Studies on the Fab Fragment of an Anti-Spin Label Antibody/講題:從全球集團犯罪體系看華人會黨發/講題:資訊的價值--雙佔市場賽局分析/講題:1.Characteristic Classes of Complex Projective Space(I) 2. Applications of Morse Theory to Lie Groups ( III ) 3. Twistor Interpretation of Instantons/講題:1.Some Problems Related to Mathematical Physics 2. Some Problems of Optimal Stopping and Control/講題:Number Theory of Invariance/講題:Serre's Conjecture,Taniyama - Weil Conjecture and Fermat's Conjecture /講題:Statistical Methods for Risk Estimation/講題:關於知覺的性質
1.Recent Progress in Asymmetric Catalysis for Carbon Carbon Bond Forming Reactions
2.Photoinduced Single Electron Transfer Reactions in Organic Synthesis
3. Asymmetric Reactions by the Use of Chiral Titanium Reagents