

  • 講題: Spacetime Symmetries Gauge Theories and Differential Forms/講題:Dynamic Games with Symmetric and Asymmetric Information /講題:台灣記帳農場之隨機性生產過界及技術效率分析/講題:霞海城隍與台北的發展/講題: Catabolite Derepression of a -amylase Gene Expression in Rice/講題:一九八○年代中美經濟關係的回顧/講題:開發熱帶型水耕栽培系統之瓶頸/講題:1.蘇軾哲學思想初探 2. 討論,/講題: Rocks and Minerals on the Moon : Resources for A Lunar Base/講題:1. The Heat Equation 2. The Curvature Tensor 3.The Yang-Mills Lagrangian(2) /講題:1.0n a Stochastic Algorithm with Annealing 2. Interacting Particle Systems (I) /講題:1.Set Complete Mappings on Finite Fields 2. Generalized Pandiagonal Latin Squares over Finite Fields


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