講題: Molecular and Biochemical Analysis of the Human Protein Tyrosine Phosphatases LCA (CD45) and LAR/講題: ILF and HTLF:Transcription Factors That Containing The Fork Head DNA Binding Domain/講題: Causal Analysis on the Factor for Embryonic Induction /講題: Sperm Binding Protein of Winter Flounder-Gene Structure and Expression/講題: The Concept of Tectonic Facies and Its Application to Geology of Taiwan(大構造相和台灣地質)/講題:知識分子與晚清變法/講題: Analysis, Synthesis, Induc -tion and Deduction on Net work Patterns /講題:Circuit Simulation in the Age of ULSI and MCM /講題:A Parallel Processor for Image Processing/講題:台灣農業面臨的挑戰/講題:Influence of Nutritional,Hormonal and Atmerspheric Factors on Productivity in Vivo and in Vitro/講題: Using Indigenous knowledge for Agricultural Development 講題:A Chemist's View of BCS Theory for Low Tc Superconductivity and It's Relationship to Painwise Charge Transfer and High Tc Superconductivity/講題:1.雙元性金融體系下經濟自由化的福利效果 2. The Welfare Effects of Financial Liberalization "Under Market Segmentation - Dubna With Spoecial Reference to Taiwan