Tissue-protective cytokine IL-22 targets epithelial lineages such as the gastrointestinal system. Clinical relevance of IL-22 to IBD is well-established and IL-22 therapy is promising for IBD treatment as IL-22 is capable of promoting epithelial repair and inducing production of anti-microbial peptides. A work in Nature Communications conducted by Dr. Jr-Wen Shui at Institute of Biomedical Sciences, identify a novel anti-bacterial circuit, showing during E coli infection, IL-22 initiates an IL-18 epithelial response circuit to enforce immunity, which provides therapeutic insights of using IL-22/IL-18 as a potential anti-inflammatory target.

For further information:https://www.ibms.sinica.edu.tw/en/news/2022-418.html
Article link: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-022-28478-3

A novel IL-18-mediated anti-bacterial circuit to enforce intestinal host defense and immunity