Bulletin of the Institute of Modern History, Vol. 100 is now available

The Bulletin of the Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica, Vol. 100 is now available online. The issue contains 3 articles and 1 book review. The articles are:
1. Jen-Shu Wu / Tensions between Gentry and Merchant Cultures: Advertising Papers as an Aspect of Consumer Society and Cultural History
2. Hsiao-Ching Liao / “Pacifying the Wildland”: The Larut Wars and the Beginning of the He Xiangu Cult in British Malaya
3. Hsiang-Fu Huang / Household Necessities: Popular Science in The Ladies’ Journal (Funü zazhi) before the May Fourth Movement, 1915-1919
Full articles are accessible online: http://www.mh.sinica.edu.tw/bulletins.aspx