Time: Monday to Friday, September 17 to 21, 2018

Venue: Pacific Hot Spring Hotel Green Bay (No.1, Haijing Rd., Wanli Dist. New Taipei City)

Host: Prof. Hong-Yuan Mark Liao; Prof. Yen-Nun Huang

Speaker: 23 speakers (for details refer to the website)

Organizer: Central Academic Advisory Committee, Academia Sinica

Co- Organizer: Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica; Research Center for Information Technology Innovation, Academia Sinica

Website: http://shortcourse.sinica.edu.tw/

Online Registration: https://conference.iis.sinica.edu.tw/

Registration Deadline: Sunday, Aug 26, 2018

Short Courses in Frontier Science and Technology – Smart Manufacturing Camp

With the rapid development of science and technology, the fourth industrial revolution is affecting this generation of humanity, and the world’s major industrial countries regard it as a key challenge affecting the country’s overall industrial development. Its core meaning is to highly integrate some existing or new technologies, such as Sensors, Robots, Machine Vision, Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), Big Data, Artificial Intelligence (AI), etc., to achieve a smarter industrial production situation.

In Taiwan, although its population only accounts for 0.3% of the world, it has a relatively complete industrial industry chain, with nearly 30% of the population invested in manufacturing (metal electromechanical, information electronics, chemical industry, and people’s livelihood industry). The overall performance of the machinery industry in 2017 was very strong, and officially became the third trillion-level industry in Taiwan, contributing 1.34% to Taiwan’s economic growth rate. This shows the impact of the manufacturing industry on the Taiwanese economy. Based on this, the main axis of this event will focus on the topic of “Smart Manufacturing”, which will enable the public to have a more comprehensive view of the whole picture.

The lecturers of the camp include representatives of industry, officials, academics and research. We look forward to enhancing the interaction between the lecturers and the trainees through a five-day intensive course, stimulating the interdisciplinary cooperation and exchange. In addition, there will be a period of comprehensive discussion and group communication for the lecturers and the trainees to have a further interaction. At the end of the event, a certificate of completion will be issued to the trainees with perfect attendance.


Contact: Mr. Shang-Chih Lin, +886-2-2787-2300#2382, sclinciti@iis.sinica.edu.tw