Speaker: Dr. Robert M. Glaeser, Dr. Keiichi Namba, Dr. Hong Zhou, Dr. Anchi Cheng, Dr. Yifan Cheng, etc.

Time: Sunday to Friday, September 2 to September 7, 2018

Venue: Institute of Biological Chemistry, Academia Sinica

Host: Dr. Wei-Hau Chang (Associate Research Fellow, Institute of Chemistry, Academia Sinica)

Academician Ming-Daw Tsai (Distinguished Research Fellow, Institute of Biological Chemistry, Academia Sinica)

Organizer: Central Academic Advisory Committee, Academia Sinica

Co- Organizers: Institute of Chemistry and Institute of Biological Chemistry, Academia Scinia

Website: http://shortcourse.sinica.edu.tw/shortcourse2018_05/index.html

Registration Deadline: Sunday, August 12, 2018

Academia Sinica Cryo-EM Center (ASCEM) Grand Opening Symposium & Workshop

Croy-EM breaks through the resolution bottleneck of 4Å during recent 3 years and becomes an effective tool for deducing protein from macromolecules to atomic level. Accordingly, the 2017 Nobel Prize in Chemistry was awarded to the researchers who helped to develop cryo-EM. To build up a strong base for Taiwan protein researches, Academia Sinica has invested on purchasing the latest cryo-EM facility (Titan Krios) in the beginning of 2017. By referring to Cold Spring Harbor courses and EMBO courses, we hold this activity of a grand opening of Academia Sinica Cryo-EM facility to connect the worldwide known cryo-EM experts and provide training on cryo-EM to our community.

This course mainly has three sessions: introduction of cryo-EM studies, examples of research by scientists, hands-on workshop (bring your own laptop). Because the hands-on sessions will involve using Relion, CryoSparc, or Mathmatica, we will need attendees to download softwares before the hands-on courses start; in addition, each student should prepare 3 slides of PPT file to introduce your own research to facilitate interactions and discussions. Welcome to register as soon as possible!


Contact: Hsin-Hua Lin, +886-2-2785-5696 ext. 3020, linhh@gate.sinica.edu.tw