Speaker: Ambassador Dr. Eugene Chien (Chairman, Taiwan Institute for Sustainable Energy)

Host: Academician Pao-Kuan Wang (RCEC Distinguished Research Fellow & Director)


Time: 14:00-16:00, Thursday, August 2, 2018

Venue: The Second Conference Room, Building for Humanities & Social Sciences, Academia Sinica

Organizer: Research Center for Environmental Changes, Academia Sinica

Co- Organizer: Taiwan’s Deep Decarbonization Pathways toward a Sustainable Society Project

Contact: Dr. Yen-Lan Liu, +886-02-26525171, ylliu168@gate.sinica.edu.tw

Registration is compulsory and is available at https://goo.gl/T85Hqv

This special lecture will be in Chinese.


In 2015, the United Nations achieved two milestones in sustainable development. They are the Paris Agreement passed at COP 21 and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) proposed in September. Learning from the unsuccessful government-centered Millennium Development Goals (MDGs); the SDGs focus on devotions and supports of corporations.

There are 169 targets for the 17 SDGs and each SDG requires collaboration from public and private sector. The concepts are interconnected and involve multiple disciplines. For a research institute, promoting the SDGs may increase its researchers’ capacity. In this sense, researchers who work on fundamental sciences should not limit to traditional framework. Collaborate with the industries can bring a win-win situation.

For a corporation, successful SDGs mean a better and more manageable global market. With today’s uncertainties in business environment and pressure of international supply chain, even best performance corporations are facing challenges in development. From a risk management perspective, the corporations should actively take part and take actions to promote the SDGs. On the other hand, SDGs have great potential in financial return. Reported by Business and Sustainable Development Commission (BSDC), by implementing SDGs in corporations will bring US $12trillion and near 0.4billion jobs by 2023.

The value of collaboration between a research institute and corporation on SDGs would help a corporation expand its sustainable development to a global scale. It will lead leaders in public and private sector have a better management strategy, enhance international research collaboration, trigger innovations in low carbon and sustainable products and services, bring a sustainable mutual collaboration, and make our society will benefit from science.

Taiwan DDPP Special Forum Series VII: Ideals and implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals