Dr. Shih-Lei Lai received his doctoral degree at the Institute of Zoology, National Taiwan University, and shortly after that he went to Max Planck Institute, Germany, to conduct his postdoctoral research. His interest of research and specialty is to explore the repair and regeneration mechanism of animal heart after damage, through the approach of systems biology and functional genomics involving various model organisms. The current research focuses on the immune response after cardiac insult, which is also known as heart failure, and how the immune response improves cardiac repair and regeneration.

Dr. Lai says that he is honored to become one fellow of the Institute of Biomedical Sciences at Academia Sinica, and he will dedicate himself to the treatment of human heart disease that is transcribed form the mystery of vertebrate heart regeneration.

Dr. Lai was appointed as Assistant Research Fellow of Cardiovascular Research of Institute of Biomedical Sciences on June 1, 2018.

For more information regarding his research, please refer to the following link: http://www.ibms.sinica.edu.tw/benlai/