Please see the table of contents below:

1. Chen-Huan Kao, “The Two Sides of Elders in the Qin and Han Dynasties.”
2. Hualong Wang, “The Imperial Reply Form of “Known” (Wen) and Records of Presented Memorials: A Paleographical Study of Wooden Tablets Unearthed from Shuxiuhe Tomb No. 1.”
3. Ling-Wei Kung, “Suningga’s Wanli Huijiang Tu and Qing Geographic Knowledge of Xinjiang in the Late Eighteenth Century.”
4. Jeng-Guo S. Chen, “China in the Making of the Scottish Enlightenment.”

Full articles are accessible online:

Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica, Volume 94 Part 3 is now available online