Time: 10:00 to 11:50, Friday, August 11, 2023
Venue: International Conference Hall (3F), Humanities and Social Sciences Building (HSSB), Academia Sinica
Topic: My Adventures in the Ribosome
Speaker: Dr. Venki Ramakrishnan (Group Leader, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge, England)
Moderator: Dr. James C. Liao, President of Academia Sinica
Online Registration: https://forms.gle/bt3NUuprCpqrrnQH7

The ribosome is the ancient and enormous molecular machine that reads genetic information on mRNA to synthesize proteins. Although it was discovered in the 1950s, it took several decades to determine an atomic structure of the ribosome because of its complexity. This talk will cover Dr. Venki Ramakrishnan’ efforts to unravel its structure. He will also speak about his own career which involved living on three continents and involved switching from his initial training in physics to learning and carrying out research in molecular biology.

Academia Sinica Lecture of 2023