Academician Yun-han Chu passed away in Taipei on February 5, 2023. He was 67 years old.

Dr. Chu was an internationally renowned political scientist, specializing in democratization, political economy in East Asia, and the political and economic development in China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. After obtaining his Ph.D. from the University of Minnesota, U.S.A. in 1987, Dr. Chu taught at the Department of Political Science, National Taiwan University for 30 years. In 2002, Dr. Chu became a Distinguished Research Fellow at the Institute of Political Science, Academia Sinica.

Dr. Chu was dedicated to transnational research on democratization and established the Hu Fu Center for East Asia Democratic Studies, led the “Asian Barometer Survey” and launched notable international projects, including the “Global Barometer Surveys.” He has made notable contributions to the theories of comparative political economy in East Asia, as well as research methods in democratization.

Dr. Chu was also devoted to promoting academic development at Academia Sinica. He served as Member of the Academia Sinica Council and panel member for policy recommendations for many years, and helped establish the Institute of Political Science by serving as a Preparatory Office Academic Advisory Committee member in 2002.

During his distinguished career, Dr. Chu received numerous honors, including the Outstanding Research Award from the National Science Council, the Outstanding Achievement Award from the University of Minnesota, and was elected Member of The World Academy of Sciences in 2016. Dr. Chu was elected Academia Sinica Academician in 2012.

Academician Yun-han Chu Has Passed Away