格:符合下列(一)或(二)者皆可 (一)生物科技、細胞生物學、分子生物學、生物化學相關科系碩士或博士學位者,具有phage/peptide
display相關經驗者為佳 (二)生物計算、生物資訊碩士或博士學位,有蛋白質結構預測及藥物設計相關經驗者為佳 二、待
遇:視學經歷依本院「約聘(僱)人員支給酬金標準」或「延聘博士後研究學者核薪標準表」支薪 三、繳交文件:(一)最高學歷證件影本;(二)履歷表(含中、英自傳100字以內,附相片);(三)聯絡電話、地址;(四)論文摘要 四、請將應繳文件郵寄11529台北市南港區研究院路2段128號,中央研究院基因體研究中心蔣佳雯小姐收,聯絡電話:(02)2789-9930#209,信封上註明「應徵研究助理」字樣;或將相關文件E-mail至:viviwen@gate.sinica.edu.tw 五、初審合格者,擇優通知甄試,不合格者,恕不退件
The laboratory of Dr. An-Suei Yang invites application for Postdoctoral
Fellow/Research Assistant Positions in Protein/peptide Design and
Engineering Job Description: The laboratory invites application for research
positions on (1) computational structural/molecular biology and (2) phage (or
other peptide) display technology. Candidates with computational and/or
experimental biology background are encouraged to work in a stimulating
multi-disciplinary environment for designing and engineering peptides/proteins
of significant biomedical importance. Qualification: (1) Computational
structural/molecular biology - Ph.D. or Master degree on computational biology
or bioinformatics. Individuals with experience/knowledge in protein structure
prediction, protein sequence-structure relationship, protein-protein
interaction, and/or structure-based drug design are particularly welcome to
apply. Or, (2) Phage display or related technology - Ph.D. or Master degree in
biochemistry, cell biology, molecular biology, or microbiology. Individuals with
experience/knowledge in phage display and/or in cell-free peptide display
technologies (ribosome display or mRNA display) are particularly welcome to
apply. Application: Motivated applicants are all invited to apply. Please
forward (1) curriculum vitae (2) publication list and abstracts to Ms. Vivi
Chiang. Email: viviwen@gate.sinica.edu.tw.
Suitable candidates will be informed for interviews and recommendation