數學研究所編印之《數學集刊》業已出版。本期是慶祝Neil Trudinger教授70歲大壽所籌畫的特刊。
Yihong Du/Spreading Profile and Nonlinear Stefan Problems
Jong-ShenqGuo/On the Dead-Core Rates for a Parabolic Equation with Strong Absorption
Yanqiu Guo and Edriss S. Titi/Persistency of Analyticity For Nonlinear Wave Equations: An Energy-Like Approach
E. Liflyand and U. Stadtmüller/On A Hardy-Littlewood Theorem
Chang-Shou Lin and Shusen Yan/A Minimization Problem Associated With The Chern-Simons Model With Double Vortex Points On A Torus
I-Liang Chern and Hai-Liang Li/Long-time behavior of the Schrodinger-Langevin equation
Volume 1 No. 1到Volume 8 No.4文章已全文上網,數學集刊季刊網站http://www.math.sinica.edu.tw/bulletin/,可逕自瀏覽。有興趣者,亦可利用劃撥訂購紙本期刊。