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Academia Sinica E-news No.354
Academic Activities
Nobel Laureate Prof. Yuan-Tseh Lee Awarded Honorary Doctoral Degree from Amity University, India
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《Bulletin of the Institute of Mathematics, Academia Sinica New Series》Volume 9 Number 1 is now available
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Nobel Laureate Prof. Yuan-Tseh Lee Awarded Honorary Doctoral Degree from Amity University, India

         Nobel Laureate Prof. Yuan-Tseh Lee received an Honorary Doctor of Science degree from Amity University, India, February 7 for “his exceptional vision, deep commitment to research, propagation of scientific enquiry, continuous exemplary efforts in innovating and improving technology”.

         Delivering his acceptance speech, Nobel Laureate Prof. Yuan-Tseh called upon students to become masters of their own selves, decide what they want to do in future and lead a meaningful life. He stressed that students who want to become scientists should love science and then honors and recognitions would follow gradually. He advised them to become a good chemist first and learn the basic laws of Chemistry and Physics and then only they will be able to become a good Scientist in future. He motivated them to challenge and questions the things around them which would eventually expand the horizons of Scinece.

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