講題:Official Conceptions of Economic Development in Late Imperial China /講題: The Impact of Parental Behavior on Adolescent Aggression: Cycle of Violence or Inept Parenting Practices ?/講題: The Macroeconometric Model of Taiwan/講題:Geomertry and Convex Domains in ch/講題:Cauchy-Riemann Equation(II)/講題: Asymptotic Density of (University of Minnesota) Particle Systems/講題:P-adic Elliptic Functions/講題:Structural Biology of Human Kininogen/講题:Focal Adhesion Kinase:Its Implication in Integrin Signal Transduction/講題: Functional Interaction between EGF Receptor and PP60c-src/講題:Communication-Free Hyperplane Partitioning of Nested Loops /講題:Algorithms and Performance Bounds for Precedence Graphs with Communication Costs /講題:Optimal Tracking of Brownian Motion/講題: Analysis of Censored Data from Fractionated Experiments: a Bayesian Approach/講題:從歷史人類學的角度來看台北市夜市攤販的形成/講題:Odor Receptor and Coding of Olfactory Information/講題: The Role of Informal Finance in Household Capital Accumulation: Evidence from Taiwan/講題:" New York Used to be an Irish Town " : The New York Irish, Their Place in the History of New York and Irish America/講題: The Broken Mirror: The Changing,Hints of Chinese Culture in Prague/講題:應用地理資訊系統與遙測技術推估植物社會介量/講題:毫微米研究中心研究計劃與成果/講題:Structural Studies of Bi-Base Superconductors:Modulation and Anomalous Scattering /講題: The Inevitability of the Improbable-Insights from Geophysical Studies