講題: The Role of Tensin, an Actin-Binding and SH2 Domain-ContainingProtein, in Focal Contacts /講題: The Actions of DNA Topoisomerases: Toward a Detailed Molecular View/講題: Fault Behavior Based on a Dynamic Lattice Model/講題: Mineral Physics: Probing the Earth from Microscopic to Macroscopic Scale/講題: Eigenstates of the Rotation Operator : The Creation and Destruction of Vortex States in 2-Dimensions /講題:Singular Dynamical/講題:1.Structure and Evolution of Molecular Clouds
2. Formation of Cloud Cores by Ambipolar Diffusion 3.Collapse of Magnetized,Rotating, Isothermal Cores/講題: Stochastic Flows /講題:Geometry and Diffusions/講題:On Time-Sequential Test of the Mean For a Class Of Distributions/講題: Basic Background for Enzyme kinetics-I I/講題: The DNA Data Bank of Japan and Bioinformatics /講題: The Implication of Finding Trypsinogen Genes Embeded in T-Cell Receptor B Locus/講題:略論近世中國鄉約的性質、效力與現代關連/講题:台灣民眾的成就觀念與成就價值-以話語的分析為例可 能嗎?/講題:政治的美學化:試析漢娜,郭敬的行動理論 /講題:認同與信任之構成:黑格爾市民社會理論新解/講題: Another Look on Misadjustment to Anticipated Shocks/講題: Biologic Significance of the Plasminogen-Plasmin System/講題: Regulation and Mechanism of Bacterial Arsenate Resistance/講題: Neurobiology of Alcohol Seeking Behavior and Alcohol Sensitivity/講題: The Transferable Development Rights Market in an Open City
/講題:Electronics Packaging and Interconnections