

  • 講題: Flow Control for ATM Network:Taxonomy and Some Promising Methods/講題:一九二0年代台灣保甲制度和社會運動關係之初探/講題:泉州戲曲與泉州方言/講題:論黃梨洲對陽明心學的批判繼承與理論修正/講題:Graviton Production in Juflationary Cosmology/講題:On Characteristic Functions and Renewal Theory for MarkovAdditive Processes/講題:Polar Sets of Super Diffusions /講題: An Isoperimetric Type Inequality on Subanalytic Set/講題: Use of a Self-Fertilizing Hermaphroditic Fish for Life History and Toxico logical Studies/講題: Robust Likelihoods/講題:歐亞草原動物文飾與中國古代北方民族之考察/講題:近代上海經濟與社會發展的若干特點/講題:倫理性自由主義:黑格爾“法哲學原理”之詮釋/講題: The Study of Photosystem II by Fluorescence /講題:Slab Deformation in the Mantle /講題: Crust and Upper Mantle Structures, Anisotropy and Tectonics of Tibet


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